Wednesday, March 12, 2025


Hello Everyone! Autodesk CAM society is organizing an exciting new series of fortnight design challenges which will afford the participants a chance to win exciting Autodesk Goodies every month and a chance to receive free access to CAD and CAM tools on Coursera as well!

We will be upload an isometric view of some basic parts and your goal is to create a 3d model of said part in least possible of steps possible. Every participant will be awarded points based on factors such as accuracy of the model and sketches, time taken, number of steps involved etc.

The students with the highest total will recieve exciting Autodesk merchandise each month and regular winners would stand a chance to win access to advanced courses regarding various CAD/CAM tools on Coursera along with their visit sponsored visit to Autodesk University 2020.


  1. Design would be judged on basis of minimum number of steps involved in making it.
  2. You have to upload your fusion 360 file link with download option enabled.
  3. Only one submission is allowed.
  4. You should submit the file URL along with the challenge code(challenge number is the code).
  5. Late submissions will not be considered.
  6. Points earned by you will be displayed on the leader-board.
  7. Participant with the maximum points in the end of the week will be awarded.

This Week Challenge !

Upload your design here